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"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak" -Rachel Zoe Choose to privatize my instagram due to some reasons! But i will definitely accept your friend request if you requested a 'follow' :)
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14 June 2013

Hellouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Here's our today's #OOTD! Most of us smiled with teeth (it's the natural smile btw) hehe. And yes like finally i met my closed buddies Year1sem1 classmates and not all of us can make it. But nah itsokay, not a problem with that but the main thing is we had wonderful time together especially after so long not to meet Alifah and Fadzuli! Finally Yay!! 

(All the shots taken outside the Grandlink Building)

My friend of mine, Fad, ever since he went for a gym like thrice a week, his body is build with muscles! Wow not bad, tryna woo girls eh? HAHA joking. He looked totally different and it's getting better now than before. Good job bro!

How's my photograph skills? Good right? HAHA i learnt to take a good angle from my boyfriend of course! But he's more professional in a sense.

Went for a 3hrs straight sessions of SING-OUT-LOUD and simpang bedok for lunch cum dinner. 
Kept singing until my throat turned dry. Lucky i bought plain water with me, it saved my day.
Awww, i just wish that i can turn back my time and keep replaying as i wish.

School starts next week and i've yet to prepare anything. Calculator, pencil, ruler etc to stand by for my upcoming UT for two freaking straight days!! But i went for the workshop and hopefully what they have told are stored in my brain.

New post will be up soon on my room mini transformation!
Till then

< O L D E R P O S T | N E W E R P O S T >